<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
The main application file for the Dashboard demo app.
Loads the layout XML and creates PodLayoutManagers.
minWidth="600" minHeight="600"
width="100%" height="100%"
paddingLeft="45" paddingRight="45" paddingBottom="35" paddingTop="34"
applicationComplete="onApplicationComplete()" viewSourceURL="srcview/index.html">
<mx:Style source="/assets/styles.css" />
import com.esria.samples.dashboard.events.LayoutChangeEvent;
import com.esria.samples.dashboard.managers.PodLayoutManager;
import com.esria.samples.dashboard.managers.StateManager;
import com.esria.samples.dashboard.view.ChartContent;
import com.esria.samples.dashboard.view.FormContent;
import com.esria.samples.dashboard.view.ListContent;
import com.esria.samples.dashboard.view.PieChartContent;
import com.esria.samples.dashboard.view.Pod;
import com.esria.samples.dashboard.view.PodContentBase;
import mx.containers.Canvas;
import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.events.FlexEvent;
import mx.events.IndexChangedEvent;
import mx.events.ItemClickEvent;
import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
import mx.rpc.http.HTTPService;
// Array of PodLayoutManagers
private var podLayoutManagers:Array = new Array();
// Stores the xml data keyed off of a PodLayoutManager.
private var podDataDictionary:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
// Stores PodLayoutManagers keyed off of a Pod.
// Used for podLayoutManager calls after pods have been created for the first time.
// Also, used for look-ups when saving pod content ViewStack changes.
private var podHash:Object = new Object();
private function onApplicationComplete():void
// Load pods.xml, which contains the pod layout.
var httpService:HTTPService = new HTTPService();
httpService.url = "data/pods.xml";
httpService.resultFormat = "e4x";
httpService.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, onFaultHttpService);
httpService.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, onResultHttpService);
private function onFaultHttpService(e:FaultEvent):void
Alert.show("Unable to load data/pods.xml.");
private function onResultHttpService(e:ResultEvent):void
var viewXMLList:XMLList = e.result.view;
var len:Number = viewXMLList.length();
var containerWindowManagerHash:Object = new Object();
for (var i:Number = 0; i < len; i++) // Loop through the view nodes.
// Create a canvas for each view node.
var canvas:Canvas = new Canvas();
// PodLayoutManager handles resize and should prevent the need for
// scroll bars so turn them off so they aren't visible during resizes.
canvas.horizontalScrollPolicy = "off";
canvas.verticalScrollPolicy = "off";
canvas.label = viewXMLList[i].@label;
canvas.percentWidth = 100;
canvas.percentHeight = 100;
// Create a manager for each view.
var manager:PodLayoutManager = new PodLayoutManager();
manager.container = canvas;
manager.id = viewXMLList[i].@id;
manager.addEventListener(LayoutChangeEvent.UPDATE, StateManager.setPodLayout);
// Store the pod xml data. Used when view is first made visible.
podDataDictionary[manager] = viewXMLList[i].pod;
var index:Number = StateManager.getViewIndex();
// Make sure the index is not out of range.
// This can happen if a tab view was saved but then tabs were subsequently removed from the XML.
index = Math.min(tabBar.numChildren - 1, index);
onItemClickTabBar(new ItemClickEvent(ItemClickEvent.ITEM_CLICK, false, false, null, index));
tabBar.selectedIndex = index;
private function onItemClickTabBar(e:ItemClickEvent):void
var index:Number = e.index;
StateManager.setViewIndex(index); // Save the view index.
viewStack.selectedIndex = index;
// If data exists then add the pods. After the pods have been added the data is cleared.
var podLayoutManager:PodLayoutManager = podLayoutManagers[index];
if (podDataDictionary[podLayoutManager] != null)
// Adds the pods to a view.
private function addPods(manager:PodLayoutManager):void
// Loop through the pod nodes for each view node.
var podXMLList:XMLList = podDataDictionary[manager];
var podLen:Number = podXMLList.length();
var unsavedPodCount:Number = 0;
for (var j:Number = 0; j < podLen; j++)
// Figure out which type of pod content to use.
var podContent:PodContentBase = null;
if (podXMLList[j].@type == "chart")
podContent = new ChartContent();
else if (podXMLList[j].@type == "form")
podContent = new FormContent();
else if (podXMLList[j].@type == "list")
podContent = new ListContent();
else if (podXMLList[j].@type == "pieChart")
podContent = new PieChartContent();
if (podContent != null)
var viewId:String = manager.id;
var podId:String = podXMLList[j].@id;
// Get the saved value for the pod content viewStack.
if (StateManager.getPodViewIndex(viewId, podId) != -1)
podXMLList[j].@selectedViewIndex = StateManager.getPodViewIndex(viewId, podId);
podContent.properties = podXMLList[j];
var pod:Pod = new Pod();
pod.id = podId;
pod.title = podXMLList[j].@title;
var index:Number;
if (StateManager.isPodMinimized(viewId, podId))
index = StateManager.getMinimizedPodIndex(viewId, podId);
manager.addMinimizedItemAt(pod, index);
index = StateManager.getPodIndex(viewId, podId);
// If the index hasn't been saved move the pod to the last position.
if (index == -1)
index = podLen + unsavedPodCount;
unsavedPodCount += 1;
manager.addItemAt(pod, index, StateManager.isPodMaximized(viewId, podId));
pod.addEventListener(IndexChangedEvent.CHANGE, onChangePodView);
podHash[pod] = manager;
// Delete the saved data.
delete podDataDictionary[manager];
// Listen for the last pod to complete so the layout from the ContainerWindowManager is done correctly.
pod.addEventListener(FlexEvent.UPDATE_COMPLETE, onCreationCompletePod);
// Pod has been created so update the respective PodLayoutManager.
private function onCreationCompletePod(e:FlexEvent):void
e.currentTarget.removeEventListener(FlexEvent.UPDATE_COMPLETE, onCreationCompletePod);
var manager:PodLayoutManager = PodLayoutManager(podHash[e.currentTarget]);
// Saves the pod content ViewStack state.
private function onChangePodView(e:IndexChangedEvent):void
var pod:Pod = Pod(e.currentTarget);
var viewId:String = PodLayoutManager(podHash[pod]).id;
StateManager.setPodViewIndex(viewId, pod.id, e.newIndex);
dataProvider="viewStack" />
width="100%" height="100%" />
The main application file for the Dashboard demo app.
Loads the layout XML and creates PodLayoutManagers.
minWidth="600" minHeight="600"
width="100%" height="100%"
paddingLeft="45" paddingRight="45" paddingBottom="35" paddingTop="34"
applicationComplete="onApplicationComplete()" viewSourceURL="srcview/index.html">
<mx:Style source="/assets/styles.css" />
import com.esria.samples.dashboard.events.LayoutChangeEvent;
import com.esria.samples.dashboard.managers.PodLayoutManager;
import com.esria.samples.dashboard.managers.StateManager;
import com.esria.samples.dashboard.view.ChartContent;
import com.esria.samples.dashboard.view.FormContent;
import com.esria.samples.dashboard.view.ListContent;
import com.esria.samples.dashboard.view.PieChartContent;
import com.esria.samples.dashboard.view.Pod;
import com.esria.samples.dashboard.view.PodContentBase;
import mx.containers.Canvas;
import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.events.FlexEvent;
import mx.events.IndexChangedEvent;
import mx.events.ItemClickEvent;
import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
import mx.rpc.http.HTTPService;
// Array of PodLayoutManagers
private var podLayoutManagers:Array = new Array();
// Stores the xml data keyed off of a PodLayoutManager.
private var podDataDictionary:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
// Stores PodLayoutManagers keyed off of a Pod.
// Used for podLayoutManager calls after pods have been created for the first time.
// Also, used for look-ups when saving pod content ViewStack changes.
private var podHash:Object = new Object();
private function onApplicationComplete():void
// Load pods.xml, which contains the pod layout.
var httpService:HTTPService = new HTTPService();
httpService.url = "data/pods.xml";
httpService.resultFormat = "e4x";
httpService.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, onFaultHttpService);
httpService.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, onResultHttpService);
private function onFaultHttpService(e:FaultEvent):void
Alert.show("Unable to load data/pods.xml.");
private function onResultHttpService(e:ResultEvent):void
var viewXMLList:XMLList = e.result.view;
var len:Number = viewXMLList.length();
var containerWindowManagerHash:Object = new Object();
for (var i:Number = 0; i < len; i++) // Loop through the view nodes.
// Create a canvas for each view node.
var canvas:Canvas = new Canvas();
// PodLayoutManager handles resize and should prevent the need for
// scroll bars so turn them off so they aren't visible during resizes.
canvas.horizontalScrollPolicy = "off";
canvas.verticalScrollPolicy = "off";
canvas.label = viewXMLList[i].@label;
canvas.percentWidth = 100;
canvas.percentHeight = 100;
// Create a manager for each view.
var manager:PodLayoutManager = new PodLayoutManager();
manager.container = canvas;
manager.id = viewXMLList[i].@id;
manager.addEventListener(LayoutChangeEvent.UPDATE, StateManager.setPodLayout);
// Store the pod xml data. Used when view is first made visible.
podDataDictionary[manager] = viewXMLList[i].pod;
var index:Number = StateManager.getViewIndex();
// Make sure the index is not out of range.
// This can happen if a tab view was saved but then tabs were subsequently removed from the XML.
index = Math.min(tabBar.numChildren - 1, index);
onItemClickTabBar(new ItemClickEvent(ItemClickEvent.ITEM_CLICK, false, false, null, index));
tabBar.selectedIndex = index;
private function onItemClickTabBar(e:ItemClickEvent):void
var index:Number = e.index;
StateManager.setViewIndex(index); // Save the view index.
viewStack.selectedIndex = index;
// If data exists then add the pods. After the pods have been added the data is cleared.
var podLayoutManager:PodLayoutManager = podLayoutManagers[index];
if (podDataDictionary[podLayoutManager] != null)
// Adds the pods to a view.
private function addPods(manager:PodLayoutManager):void
// Loop through the pod nodes for each view node.
var podXMLList:XMLList = podDataDictionary[manager];
var podLen:Number = podXMLList.length();
var unsavedPodCount:Number = 0;
for (var j:Number = 0; j < podLen; j++)
// Figure out which type of pod content to use.
var podContent:PodContentBase = null;
if (podXMLList[j].@type == "chart")
podContent = new ChartContent();
else if (podXMLList[j].@type == "form")
podContent = new FormContent();
else if (podXMLList[j].@type == "list")
podContent = new ListContent();
else if (podXMLList[j].@type == "pieChart")
podContent = new PieChartContent();
if (podContent != null)
var viewId:String = manager.id;
var podId:String = podXMLList[j].@id;
// Get the saved value for the pod content viewStack.
if (StateManager.getPodViewIndex(viewId, podId) != -1)
podXMLList[j].@selectedViewIndex = StateManager.getPodViewIndex(viewId, podId);
podContent.properties = podXMLList[j];
var pod:Pod = new Pod();
pod.id = podId;
pod.title = podXMLList[j].@title;
var index:Number;
if (StateManager.isPodMinimized(viewId, podId))
index = StateManager.getMinimizedPodIndex(viewId, podId);
manager.addMinimizedItemAt(pod, index);
index = StateManager.getPodIndex(viewId, podId);
// If the index hasn't been saved move the pod to the last position.
if (index == -1)
index = podLen + unsavedPodCount;
unsavedPodCount += 1;
manager.addItemAt(pod, index, StateManager.isPodMaximized(viewId, podId));
pod.addEventListener(IndexChangedEvent.CHANGE, onChangePodView);
podHash[pod] = manager;
// Delete the saved data.
delete podDataDictionary[manager];
// Listen for the last pod to complete so the layout from the ContainerWindowManager is done correctly.
pod.addEventListener(FlexEvent.UPDATE_COMPLETE, onCreationCompletePod);
// Pod has been created so update the respective PodLayoutManager.
private function onCreationCompletePod(e:FlexEvent):void
e.currentTarget.removeEventListener(FlexEvent.UPDATE_COMPLETE, onCreationCompletePod);
var manager:PodLayoutManager = PodLayoutManager(podHash[e.currentTarget]);
// Saves the pod content ViewStack state.
private function onChangePodView(e:IndexChangedEvent):void
var pod:Pod = Pod(e.currentTarget);
var viewId:String = PodLayoutManager(podHash[pod]).id;
StateManager.setPodViewIndex(viewId, pod.id, e.newIndex);
dataProvider="viewStack" />
width="100%" height="100%" />
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